We want autistic children and young people to be themselves and realise their ambitions. This is the overarching premise for our Time for Ambition strategy which sets out that over the next three years, we will continue to build on our core expertise in education and employability while engaging more than ever before in the other areas that are essential for autistic children and young people to lead fulfilling lives, such as having supportive families and relationships, good health and wellbeing and being active citizens in their communities.
An employability and enterprise curriculum and approach are at the core of supporting a fulfilling quality of life. Our overarching Ambitious College employability and enterprise strategy sets out how over the next three years we will continue to align with our Time for Ambition strategy, develop an aspirational curriculum and meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.
All learners have access to impartial advice and guidance from a range of training providers and education/employment pathways. You can find out more about access arrangements in our Provider Access policy. Our learners also take part in work experience, either internally or externally to the college. Our work experience statement outlines the process of how this takes place with a host employer.
Check out this visual resource which illustrates the Employability and enterprise journey for our learners at Ambitious College. This resource demonstrates the personalised careers education we offer, where learners can develop their employability and independence to achieve their outcomes, as appropriate to them and their aspirations.
Work experience is an essential element of Ambitious College learners employability and enterprise journey, find out more in the following video:
Contact us
Feel free to contact Ambitious College:
Assistant Principal: Curriculum
Simon Birch: sbirch@ambitiouscollege.org.uk
Currently working towards achieving the Quality in Careers Standard and see our letter of commitment.
If your child is taking part with our employability programme, we would appreciate your feedback. Please complete the feedback form and email to Simon Birch at sbirch@ambitiouscollege.org.uk.
Along with day-to-day learning in college, if you are a parent/carer, young person or staff member, the following information may help you in further deepening your understanding employability and enterprise at home.
- Access Job Explorer Database (JED) at home using the college-provided code. JED helps young people explore careers, matching their skills and interests. Contact the college if you need help or alternatively, visit the JED website.
- Start building the eight essential skills at home with Skills Builder.
- Labour Market information (LMI)
- There are many employability and enterprise pathways for young people after college (options).
After college
Further and Higher Education
Further Education (FE) includes any courses after secondary education that are not degrees. These include both mainstream and specialist courses with support for learners with EHC plans, usually offered in schools or colleges.
Higher Education (HE) is advanced study (e.g. undergraduate and postgraduate degrees) offered at colleges or universities. EHC plans do not apply in HE, but learners with disabilities can get support like the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).
Find information on all institutions including specialist colleges in England.
Free advice is also available from the National Careers Service if you need help choosing a course.
Skills and vocational training
Apprenticeships or inclusive apprenticeships
A combination of studying (for a qualification) and working (gaining hands-on skills). Typically, one day of study and four days of work. Open to those aged 16+, with or without EHC plans, and qualifications are free. For those with EHC plans, Entry Level 3 English or Maths can replace GCSEs if agreed by the employer.
Learn more and apply for apprenticeships or about inclusive apprenticeships.
These are short, unpaid programmes (six weeks to one year) that prepare young people aged 16-24 (or 25 with EHC plans) for jobs or apprenticeships. These include work experience and English or Maths study. For those with qualifications below Level 3 or A Levels, find out more through the Gov website. You can also ask your local colleges or training providers if they have any opportunities.
Supported internships
The supported internship is an unpaid, workplace-based training for 16-24-year-olds with EHC plans, lasting six months to one year. This internship helps prepare for paid employment, often with the same employer. For more information about supported internships, please visit Skills for careers.
Search for supported internships through local colleges and training providers, or the National Careers Service (type ‘supported internships' in the search bar).
Find out more about our supported internship opportunities. Other national providers include Mencap and Shaw Trust.
Paid or unpaid work
Paid work
This involves working 16 or more hours per week under a formal contract. You can find out about jobs in your area by visiting your local job centre or searching online:
Supported employment services offer additional help for autistic people with learning disabilities to find and stay in work. Find out more:
Support is available through Access to Work for help with communication, equipment, travel, and mental health support.
Unpaid work/volunteering
Unpaid work to gain skills, meet people, or give back to the community. Find further volunteering opportunities through:
- National Association for Voluntary and Community Action
- National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
- NHS Volunteering
- Reach Volunteering for volunteers with specific skills - like accountancy, marketing, law, management, mentoring or IT
- Volunteering Matters for young, older and disabled volunteers.
Social care
For young people who can’t access education, training, or work. Social care offers support for daily living and community involvement.
Search for social care services in your local area.