These courses are delivered mainly through our co-located partner colleges – the College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London, and West Thames College, in West London.
Mainstream vocational heads of department, with support from Ambitious College staff, assess our learners for entry onto these courses. Our learners can follow a mainstream vocational programme that matches their interests and/or career ambitions. They will also receive support from specialist staff.
The most popular vocational study programmes are Music, Art and Drama, and Information and Communications Technology.
Many learners on the vocational course continue to study Functional Skills Maths and English with Ambitious College and take examinations in June. Learners will also continue to access therapies with our college Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist as well as receiving input from Behaviour Analysts and our Employment Specialist.
Read personal stories, many written by our learners or relatives and staff who support them.
Meet our team of qualified teachers and behavioural analysts.